Saturday, November 17, 2007
The movie Phenomenon (John Travolta , 1996) seems to have kept the boss (soon to be Commissioner of Agricultural Resources) up 'thinking' for 24 hours. He bugged me for a week to watch it. OK I watched it. My email back to boss:
The reasons you wanted to discuss Phenomenon:
1) You liked the shadows cast by the windmills on the FARM buildings
2) The solar power panels on the FARM roof intrigued you
3) FARMER Travolta's extraterrestrial encounter is the perfect segue for your finally spilling the beans that you once had a U.F.O. experience (which would explain a lot)
4) You want to know if I think this is a Scientology cult movie
I thought the movie was OK but I think it must be a guy's equivalent of a 'chick flick' (hubby liked it too) i.e. it expresses every mid-life guy's fantasy! Misunderstood genius escapes the clutches of the rat race (in this case the FBI that wants to exploit his telekinetic powers) and goes back to play in the sand box of his idyllic farm and make really cool toys; he has a great father figure in his life and a great best friend (and he's BLACK too!!!); he wins the heart of the beautiful woman nobody else has been successful in wooing; he gets great sex minutes before his death; and, he then gets yearly birthday parties held in his memory. What every guy wants!
I will give you that the shaving scene was really good i.e. I've often fantasized about shaving my husband with a really sharp razor... Must be tough to get around Travolta's cleft chin though.
The reasons you wanted to discuss Phenomenon:
1) You liked the shadows cast by the windmills on the FARM buildings
2) The solar power panels on the FARM roof intrigued you
3) FARMER Travolta's extraterrestrial encounter is the perfect segue for your finally spilling the beans that you once had a U.F.O. experience (which would explain a lot)
4) You want to know if I think this is a Scientology cult movie
I thought the movie was OK but I think it must be a guy's equivalent of a 'chick flick' (hubby liked it too) i.e. it expresses every mid-life guy's fantasy! Misunderstood genius escapes the clutches of the rat race (in this case the FBI that wants to exploit his telekinetic powers) and goes back to play in the sand box of his idyllic farm and make really cool toys; he has a great father figure in his life and a great best friend (and he's BLACK too!!!); he wins the heart of the beautiful woman nobody else has been successful in wooing; he gets great sex minutes before his death; and, he then gets yearly birthday parties held in his memory. What every guy wants!
I will give you that the shaving scene was really good i.e. I've often fantasized about shaving my husband with a really sharp razor... Must be tough to get around Travolta's cleft chin though.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Scary on Multiple Fronts. Anna Bloviations' last blog subscribes to locally grown produce but when she goes shopping with son she is all about the $134 dollars for two pairs of pants, two pullovers, three pairs of socks, and a hat at Express. This is in no doubt thanks to Chinese workers slaving at 30 cents an hour. Scary too is that when I wrote the below blog about Chinese vegetables I got a Site Meter hit from Beijing. Hi Mr. Orwell!! But where is my friend from Georgia? Unforgiveable.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Now it is my sincerest hope that the product being referred to is the bag and not the vegetables given that it makes absolutely no sense that broccoli florets should have to travel 7000 miles to get to my supermarket. Actually, I take that back. Given all the sub-standard, down-right dangerous products coming out of China these days, I have a problem with anything being a product of China i.e. 'Here are your organic veggies kiddies! Never mind that they are laced with rat poison and lead that rubbed off from the package lining.... ' One more reason to buy local produce my friends. Happy Lou?
Monday, November 05, 2007
Wolf Blitzer has gotta' be a robot right? Either that or the guy lives at the CNN studio -- pen between his index and middle finger as security blanket and a hair stylist sleeping at his feet. Lou Doubs is losing it and we love Jack Kafferty's dead-pan expressions.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Nailing it with blind trust: "BELEAGUERED REP X BEATS BACK BEAVER BIGOTS' BARBS AND BEDAZZLES BOWLES". Our boss got the job (and no that wasn't a real headline...). But now Anna Bloviations hears that we may not be brought on immediately. In government, the feathers of the defeathered must apparently be deruffled (gradually). Frankly, this is the phase I call the dick-swinging-regatta. It would also be the reason why the boss needs Anna Bloviations on day one as opposed to January or worse March '08. Anna Bloviations has been through enough software industry "transitions" (translation: cluster-fucks) to know that this is the time that every VP-wanna'be starts coming out of the woodwork to position him/herself. Our boss, a State Representative for sixteen years and who has only faced one serious challenge could really use a person who knows how to put the beaver hunters in their respective beaver traps. But it is what it is. And we'll see... It now comes down to trust that someone who says they want you as their Chief of Staff will go to bat.