
Monday, August 06, 2007

Jesus: the Software Industry Years. An equally funny play might be Abie Philbin Bowman taking on his roll as Jesus-the-stand-up-comedian coming back to earth in the software industry. What better and fast way to spread the word of your arrival than as VP of Marketing padded with a budget that affords you professionally designed websites, brochures, PR agencies, conferences and exhibits. Of course poor Jesus would be faced with the problem of penetrating through the white noise of other software company claims so outlandish that saying you're the son of God doesn't sound so far-fetched. I'd like to know what Jesus would do if every year or two he got laid off because the bottom-sucker investors weren't getting enough return on investment i.e. "Look we don't even have to give those Muslim extremists a severance package; they'll just severance themselves."

Hubby has been in the software industry for over twenty years now which makes him almost as old as Jesus -- relatively speaking. The volatility of the industry is enough to drive a person off a cliff. That success is solely based on being at the right place at the right time is enough to drive a person to drinking (and we drink [Portuguese wine at $8 a bottle]). Not that we haven't done well, mind you. But not well enough that we don't hate Suzie-Nerdie-Engineering-Q who is sitting on $5M because she happened to have options at Company X when they went public. Oh I don't know... Good for her. Sucks for us. Suffice to say, I've had many a terrorist thought as it pertains to sleazy investors, slash-and-burn CEO's, and yes, just people who always seem to have luck even when they don't deserve it (or even if they do frankly). Sorry Jesus. I know revenge is a sin. Or at least I think it is. This atheist hasn't read her bible lately. I want hubby out of this business...If only my paltry-ly paid government job could cut the mustard (or part the sea!).

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