
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

When the College Kid Comes Back Home. The son has graduated. Finally. Yet: no money. No job offers pursued. He has decided he doesn't like D.C.; he wants to move back to the Boston area. But he has no money. So that means moving back in with us.

Updates: son vacates his apartment a month prior to his July lease running out given that said son is behind three months rent and parents are already picking up the co-guarantor difference. Guess the son's hotel job didn't quite cover the rent; the parents cover their losses and move decidedly poorer on.

Mother goes down to assist the move out from D.C. to Boston. Highlights of the trip:
-We don't get the truck until a day later than U-Haul promises (don't ever book with U-Haul!!).
-Anna Bloviations ends up moving everything with son because his friend couldn't help out come the next day...
-I end up cleaning the apartment because son's "clean" was a joke

-The truck had 160K miles on it; the 'service engine light' was on constantly; the interior smelled of old sweat and had fleas (I swear to god); and the floor boards got so hot you had to rest your feet up on the dashboard
-I was so physically and emotionally drained when we got home that later that evening I had a mini breakdown -- following lemon sorbet ice-cream, I was curled up in a fetal position sobbing uncontrollably. (Son and daughter joked later I was just trying to get out of doing the dishes that evening).

Son unloaded the truck all by himself the next day. A nice gesture but a little scary in terms of how eager he was to put his stamp on his room by moving some of his furniture into it! (couch, his bigger TV, etc.). I didn't have the heart to tell son his room looked a little over-stuffed to say the least because I do think he was trying to be conscientious in creating a little space he could hang out without spilling into our space. But my oh-so-very-direct husband felt otherwise and told him he had to take it all back out again because he wasn't willing to compromise the aesthetic value of our home.

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