
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

We have chosen a new co-worker. Which means that something akin to the American Idol selection formula has put eight other strong candidates on the bench. What made the winner win? Hard to say... Perhaps that he seems to have a very real and compelling story to go with the great resume everybody else had. Said newbie is from a family of ten children. Having studied in Virginia, new co-worker moved up to the Boston area when he found out his older brother had leukemia. He has been working at the Dana Farber Institute and helping out his brother ever since. He is tall, good looking, but understated. He has a sense of humor and just seems to be a grounded, real person. Having once interned with Senator Barrios, we are just trying to figure out whether or not he is gay. OK, I didn't say that. My progressive boss did. What would we do without un-PC humor now and again?

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