
Thursday, March 23, 2006

I'll admit it. Computers have become an integral part of my life. In the morning I check my three email accounts (personal, business, and junk). Then at work I am on the computer all day (emails, letters, research, databases, citations, and website maintenance). Once home I again check my computer for emails and sometimes again before I go to bed.

Computer Withdrawal. It'll be back to books in Belize. No computers. No cell phones (not that I have one). Just hubby and I bumming on the beach. I think he is more worried about the computer shakes than I am. Every day for a week now he has come home with a new book. How different we are. He picks: 'Dealing with Darwin -- How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution', 'Talking Back - to Presidents, Dictators, and Assorted Scoundrels, 'Bait and Switch - The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream', and finally (so far), 'Freakonomics - A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything." Classic hubby. And he will not entirely finish any of the books. He'll read just enough to reinforce his already entrenched ideas that the world is going to hell.

My books. Just what you might expect I'd pick: 'Thank You for Smoking, ' TheDevil in the White City - Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America' (bought it for hubby because it's based on a true story but he just turned up his nose), McCarthy's Bar - A journey of Discovery in Ireland', and 'In Cold Blood' -- these picks an eclectic array of hopefully well-written books designed to take me to new realities (real or imagined). I'll be impressed with myself if I plow through all four books in two weeks. Usually tropical vacations make me quite sleepy....

Back on April 10...

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