
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Democratic Committee Losers. Anna Bloviations attended a 'holiday' democratic committee party which brought forth old and new Democrat-diehards to the house of the Rep for whom I work. Great turn out. Great food. Swill undrinkable wine... And utterly lousy candidates running for Lieutenant Governor. They just 'happened' to be at the party and were given live-time to make impromptu speeches. Good god even if this post is just a fake job, is this the best that the Democrats can come up with? If so we are doomed and doomed again I tell you! The one candidate, a woman from Brookline, ranted about jobs in such a way that made it clear that she had a rat's ass clue about the job market in Massachusetts. And I mean rat's ass. The second candidate, a Woody Allen kind of look-alike, was just bizarre. He is a doctor whose anecdotes focus primarily on once having scooped chicken shit off of his grandfather's farm. And your point is? A politician to keep one's eye on is Representative Steven Walsh. Man he can get a crowd fired up and he'll be running for something big at some point (unless his new law degree takes him elsewhere). If he could just learn not to piss a lot of people off at the same time he would be awesome.

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