
Friday, December 23, 2005

12 cents cheer. Thanks to the elderly woman in Costco for springing the twelve cents I was short for an Italian sausage. The cashier, on the other hand, was showing no holiday generosity to let me off; rather she pointed to where an ATM machine could be found. Thank goodness for that elderly woman too. Anna Bloviations could feel a melt-down coming on. It was 1:30 p.m. after all and hungry we were after having sat four and a half hours at BMW waiting for repairs to be completed on hubby's car. Was he not aware that he could have had a free rental for the day or was it just more fun to request that I go... Turns out BMW would have given me a rental too. Had I had my driver's license on me that is. Probably it was better that I didn't. I would have no doubt driven over to the mall and spent more money on top of the $900 repairs. Instead I caught up on my Atlantic Monthly and Harper's magazines seated in the plush leather chairs BMW provides in the waiting lounge. Total cost of owning German cars for December? $1700....Cost for the best damn Italian sausage with roasted peppers and onions when you're starving? $1.93 (I don't necessarily want to know where the 'Italian sausages' come from...).

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