
Sunday, November 20, 2005

3 Different Realities: 3 Hangovers. If you could have one of these lives which would you pick? Couple 1 has lived together for over fifteen years. He cashed out with a million(s) on a now defunct software company and now enjoys a lot of free time (or perhaps he doesn't). She owns an art gallery off Newbury Street. No kids. Gorgeous, renovated , art-filled apartment in Brookline and a recently bought summer house sitting on three acres of pristine Maine coastline (global warming could affect this property some day). They spend large swathes of the summer in Italy. Both love good wine. Couple 2 has been married for about fifteen years. He has two college-aged kids from his previous marriage and now has three children under the age of 7 with his second wife. They have a spectacularly large property in Winchester and a summer home across the street from the water in Chatham (global warming could affect this property some day). They have lots of money but also spend it like water; so one hopes they always have enough. Both love good wine. Couple 3 has been married for 23 years and have two college-attending kids. They have a beautiful California-style home overlooking a tree-filled garden and travel extensively (global terrorism could affect this pastime in the future). They have yet to 'cash out' with an ample nest egg that might provide them with their own island someday but live comfortably (not lavishly like the two couples above). The husband puts money aside in a 401k but worries the two will one day live on a park bench. They both love good wine.

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