
Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I will make herewith the admission that as far as men go, I expect little less than knights in shining armor riding preferably a: Doesn't-have-to-be-a-white horse- but-must-be-at-least-be-a-regal-one. We will not bore ourselves with childhood baggage as to why this is but let us say that to achieve this ideal, it has been necessary to weave this Knight Man out of many...; I require Gibraltar-rockness, humor, humility, eccentricity, brilliance, loyalty, reliability, creativity, erracibility, and sex appeal. If you are unfortunate enough not to possess a good number of these qualities then you are dead meat; my look will wither you, and god help you if I make a comment in your direction. I have been lucky enough to find many of the afore-mentioned qualities a la spouse and those he does not possess, I have been able to compensate via many a gratifying platonic relationship with other male friends (Austrians don't possess a gene for humor so I'll give that one away...). Admittedly (and like all human beings) we sometimes also have unplatonic thoughts. But thankfully there is a plethora of hot Hollywood movie stars/eye candy/etc. to keep the rollicking, you'd-never-really-do-the-stuff-you're-thinking imagination going. On the other side of that would be an affair, and that is indeed dangerous in the trade-off/risk territory and topic for another day. The emphatic and unanimous point I would like to make is that there should be no patience what-so-ever with whinny contractors, cowardly bosses, or pathetic co-workers without backbone to do anything except come up with excuses and spend a lifetime getting good at nothing. I honestly think that on another life path I might very well have ended up wielding a whip and black leather corset to beat the holy shit out of these wimpy men i.e. FINISH my bathroom, Contractor; STAND UP for something finally, Representative; and DON'T GO DOWN as an atrophied State Worker, Co-Worker: Get a life. Be a man....That goes for women too.

Thanks. I feel better now. My bathroom is still a gutted mess but I feel better... and god you'd never know I was an idealistic liberal would you...

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