
Friday, September 02, 2005

Reference Check. Anna Bloviations is trying to reel in a fish called a new job. This prospect would put me within five minutes of my home, pay significantly more money, and make me actually have to work for a living. We think we have made in-roads -- two good interviews and the submission of a writing sample we think nailed it. We also decided it would be a good time to update the reference list and so I recently emailed an ex-colleague/friend to see if he would oblige. "Sure," he said. "How does this sound: 'Anna is a lively free spirit, undaunted by her lack of experience, confident in her abilities, a real breath (perhaps monsoon) of fresh air, able to live happily among the cognitive dissonances in the modern world, born with the soul of a hippie and tastes of a princess." You got it baby. Yes that should get us the job...

Tyrone doesn't swim.
I'm sure the number of corpses resulting from drowning in the toxic New Orleans flood waters will be horrific once someone finally gets around to counting. You see poor, unemployed folks don't generally have money to send their kids to the YMCA for swimming lessons... Speaking of swimming, you shan't be wanting to holiday anywhere near the Gulf of Mexico for the next ten years. Once they start pumping water out of the city, it will amass itself in the Gulf. Louisiana has never been known for its environmental diligence anyway so you can imagine what goodies will be swirling in that body of water for years to come.

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