
Saturday, September 10, 2005

No Marijuana, but a Replenished Hippie Soul i.e. Eucalyptus trees, a must-do hike from Muir Woods via the Ben Johnson Trail to the Dipsea Trail to Stinson Beach (round trip 12 miles with lunch at the Sand Dollar Restaurant at Stinson Beach), Mexican lunch at an authentic Mexican Restaurant in Bernal Heights, bottles of California wine, daily walks up to Twin Peaks, a visit to a certain venerable SF-established bohemian artist's studio, visits with an array of folks of questionable mental-health stability (including myself I suppose) and a knob store to die for on 18th St that makes you realize WE NEED GAYS because without them we wouldn't have nearly the selection of fine fashion, furniture, food, etc. otherwise. Needless to say I finally found a contemporary door knocker that will go just grand on my contemporary door here in New England.

25,000 Body Bags... Not. It should come as no surprise from a PR messaging standpoint that recent reports that the 25,000-body-bags-ready-on-the-scene in New Orleans may not be needed after all as there may be far fewer corpses than 'some' had predicted. By purposely over-estimating the actual anticipated body count, the spinners are prepping the American public into a physiological state of mind of: gee-it-wasn't-so-bad-after-all....

A few news stations have had the courage to highlight the state-of-the-art, well-built levies of the Netherlands and posed the question as to why New Orleans never did the same.... The Netherlanders interviewed matter-of-factly said that while their levies cost billions up-front, the pay-off in the long run was immeasurable in terms of preserving assets -- be they human or man-made. Well I personally don't trust Halliburton to build a reliable levy here in the US given their shoddy workmanship in Iraq. So the alternative is to just fill New Orleans in with gravel and quarry rock. Fill it in and create a 'Theme Park French Quarter New Orleans...' So say they in San Francisco. I think they may be right....

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