Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Sighs from Milan and Moms. The randomly-featured top shown here is the latest fashion trend to hit the fashion-conscious circuit and I have no doubt that the good-guy fashion designers (the one's who actually want you to look good as opposed to ridiculous) are rejoicing i.e. if women the world-over, particularly in America, insist on carrying fifteen-to-fifty-plus pounds of non-essential weight around their mid-sections, let's then MOVE AWAY from the hip-hugging-butt-crack-revealing jeans and short, skin-tight tank tops that tend to accentuate belly rolls and hug back flab most unflatteringly. Not even the skinny girls were able to carry off the look given the fact that 99% of us slouch when not standing in front of a dressing room mirror and so even the skinny, while they didn't look fat of course, looked, well, slouchy. In other words, if you can't beat them, join them.... Usher in the new camisole tops that hide the fat and let the guy checking out the babe able to fantasize whatever he wants to believe is underneath her gauzy quills. I personally would be wondering if the girl wasn't four-months pregnant but that's just me. That's ok though. It's a lot better than commuting into the city amidst quivering, jiggling blubber visible to the naked eye.
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