
Thursday, June 02, 2005

Illiteracy Recognition. I'm realizing more and more that there are large swaths of knowledge/information/culture of which I know less-and-less to downright nothing these days. The gaps used to be confined to the realms of my early circumstances. But of late, admitedly, some are of my own choosing. Of circumstance include the gap called religion (of which I had zip-point-zero induction), an ambivalent sentiment towards studying, and a city called San Francisco in the seventies (if you know what I mean). I can also blame bouts of blankness on the fact that besides the above, a whole lot of brain probably got thrown out the ears following two major car accidents in my lifetime. On this front, I like to think just how brilliant I might have been weren't it for 70 mpg and 130 mpg speeds respectively, knocking my holy neurons to smithereens. But I digress.

The Things of Which I am Completely At Loss: Religious Zeal. Baseball (well frankly any sport these days). TV sitcoms; TV for the most part. The names of movie actors. The names of my new neighbors. Mathematics beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and a 15% tip for the waitstaff. Physics. Neo-Conservatives. Cell phone junkies. Obesity sprawl. Twenty-year-old sons. I'm sure there is more.

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