
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Oh Lordy (or, New-Age Tribalism Born of Fear). The one thing I really don't like about Harper's Magazine (and I have carped about this before so excuse my carping), is that they are really, really stingy with their online content. Consequently I cannot post links to two must-read articles called 1) The Soldiers of Christ and 2) Feeling the Hate with the National Religious Broadcasters -- the first an inside view of the growing zealot sprawl of coast-to-coast evangelical sanctuaries (specifically focusing on America's most powerful megachurch located in Colorado Springs and 'home to the greatest concentration of fundamentalist Christian activist groups in American history'). The second article focuses on disparate sects heeding the call to unite for Christian 'dominion' and the part national religious broadcasters play. Bottom line is that east and west coasters don't know what the hell is about to hit them if the froth isn't skimmed from this fear-generated insurgency of ideologues (think Puritans, think witch trials, etc.). So if you don't already have a subscription, you'll just have to go out and spend $6.50 (gulp) at the newsstand to find out what is happening down there amongst those big square patches of midland... Put it this way: When George W. Bush was first elected, Pat Robertson resigned as head of the Christian Coalition, a sign to many that Bush was the first in an expected line of regents that will herald the coming of the Messiah...

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