
Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Caterpillar Excuse. Due to root rot, the limb of the birch tree lilts dangerously close to falling over onto A) our fence, the neighbor's fence, and a whole lot of pretty plantings, or B) onto the top of our garage depending on prevailing winds, gravity, and fate. Mr.Tree Doctor was a no-show yesterday which didn't stop him from cashing in my deposit. I left a vitriolic message on his answering machine about my thoughts on no-shows -- particularly no-shows walking around with my money in their pocket. He called back to the backdrop of a bawling brat in the background. His excuse for not coming is all the calls from the frantic whose gardens are infested with a virulent caterpillar. this year. "They may be frantic," I said. "But I'll beat you up..."

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