Wednesday, March 30, 2005
MUSINGS: Well who would have thunk'?!? In the State of Massachusetts... no let me qualify that... in the democratically entrenched State of Massachusetts (even if it does have a Republican governor [Mitt Romney {2008 President wanna'-be}])... no let me qualify that further... in the democratically entrenched State of Massachusetts which is the first state in the union to recognize gay marriage (how is Mitt going to wiggle out of that one with the conservatives?)...No, wait, more qualification is needed: In the democratically entreched State of Massachusetts where one finds a "perk" parking lot adjacent to the subway station where democratically entrenched state employees like myself get doled out free parking stickers to which they are most certainly not entitled since 99% of those who park in the parking lot sure as hell don't work for the [xxx] Highway Dept. whose property we park on, WHAT do you think I spotted today????? I couldn't f***** believe my eyes. It was a bumper sticker attached to the bumper of an innocuous red Ford something-or-other that read: JEB BUSH 2008. The owner of said red Ford either has a sick sense of humor, a death wish, or it's really over I tell you...
Also quite amusing... (or not). Lately even my private Comcast email account has started to get more spam than I would like. Which I guess would account for an email from Christian Dating: Meet Real Christian Singles i.e. meet like-minded Christian singles in your area. How did I get on THAT spam list?
Also quite amusing... (or not). Lately even my private Comcast email account has started to get more spam than I would like. Which I guess would account for an email from Christian Dating: Meet Real Christian Singles i.e. meet like-minded Christian singles in your area. How did I get on THAT spam list?
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