Wednesday, March 09, 2005
M&M Candies and Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Marriage a BAD, BAD Idea. It works like this: M&M Candies will donate .50 cents to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation for every 8 oz. bag of the special 'pink & white' candies sold. Is it again just Anna who thinks this is the worst idea ever? With 50% of the US population overweight, why would the Breast Cancer Foundation encourage us to make ourselves even fatter (which brings with it a whole other bag of health risks including a higher risk of certain kinds of cancer) by eating M&M's in order to help the breast cancer cause!!? And shame on M&M's Candies for piggy-backing on the color craze for cancer causes. What next: 'Blue' M&M's for prostate cancer? 'Yellow' Support the Troops M&M's?
Eating chocolate for a 'cause' is simply an oxymoron. Everybody knows that eating chocolate is all about 100% SELF-gratification...
Eating chocolate for a 'cause' is simply an oxymoron. Everybody knows that eating chocolate is all about 100% SELF-gratification...
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