
Friday, February 04, 2005

America's Funniest Home Video. Well it would have been had someone been around to tape it. You take one driveway on a 25 degree angle and cover it with black ice that looks deceptively like plain old water. Then you take Anna Bloviation's from California and have her go into the garage to take the plastic barrel of trash down to the curb. Then we zoom in as Anna begins sliding down the driveway on her feet along with the plastic barrel she had been pushing. Next the barrel comes to an abrupt halt as it reaches the street and then we see Anna lurch forward and fall head-first into the half-full can. The kind gentleman who stops his SUV to assist her can barely suppress his cracking smile but Anna breaks the ice for him and they burst into squeals of laughter. No damage done really. On the top of the trash was just a cardboard box that had missed its way into the recycling bin.

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