Sunday, January 09, 2005
Whacking Bills Trenchant Style. Audacity and a knack for words have made me an avid and very successful bill whacker. The town in which I live makes bill whacking the perfect venue for practicing this sport because contractors tend to think everyone who lives here is rich and won't mind paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars too much on their bills. VP hubby many not have time to comb through the bills but this State employee has plenty of time. And these contractors are making a lot more than this State employee so I'll be damned if they're going to schnooker me out of money I'd rather spend on a trip to Jamaica.. So I twisted Mr. Electrician's proverbial arm and lo-and-behold $700 evaporated from the bill. Last week I began twisting Mr. Plumber's arm and should I be beyond-my-wildest-dreams lucky, will whack $4000 off that bill (involving a conversion from oil to gas, this would be my greatest coup ever). Hell I'll even settle for $2000. On this cold, perfect-for-blogging morning, I am now taking keyboard to screen against my landscaper: Dear Mike. I just received your last statement dated.... This one is much harder because it turns out it is very difficult to do battle with someone whose physical attractiveness takes your 40-something breath away. Which is probably why I'm not twisting his arm very hard and only pushing him down $300 rather than the hundreds of dollars more I probably could. I guess I have to factor in the intangible worth of being able to watch his shirtless crew do yardwork in the summer right?
Money Doesn't Buy Love. Are the big-hitter western nations really so naive to believe that by one-uping each other with Tsunami aid dollars that the Muslims are going to love them more? (we've already seen how successful that tact was in the liberation of Iraq...). If these same nations had shown the same generosity towards Africa over the years that would be one thing but as it is there unfortunately seems to be a lot of agenda-driven motive at play. Suffice to say I doubt the terrorists are buying it.
Money Doesn't Buy Love. Are the big-hitter western nations really so naive to believe that by one-uping each other with Tsunami aid dollars that the Muslims are going to love them more? (we've already seen how successful that tact was in the liberation of Iraq...). If these same nations had shown the same generosity towards Africa over the years that would be one thing but as it is there unfortunately seems to be a lot of agenda-driven motive at play. Suffice to say I doubt the terrorists are buying it.
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