
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Stroking Egos via Death. Every day, hundreds of emails get mass-blasted to the thousands of state employees sucking on the tit of the taxpayer whose tax dollars make it possible to play computer solitaire all day long without so much as a shrug. At least once a week, one of these emails is a Death Notice. Someone actually gets paid full-time to send out notifications to everyone at the State House when anyone remotely related to a State Representative or Senator dies -- mother, brother, employee, cousin, you name it. The email is standard in its' format: So-and-so Rep's step-sister just passed away. Funeral services will be held at such-and-such a place at such-and-such a time. If you would like to send well-wishes, the address is.... Ah ha! This is where the ego stroking comes into play. The game goes: who ever gets the most sympathy cards wins. "Well look how popular I am. I got 622 sympathy cards...How did I look at the funeral service? Did I look ok?"

Email 101. At least the little lady whose job it is to send out mass email death notices knows how to send out an email. Not my Rep... I spent half an hour today explaining the finer points of clicking on the "Compose an Email" icon. Then how to attach a file. And then how to send said email. Said I, "Come on Rep. I know you can do this. We did this before, remember? Did you forget to take your meds this morning? Come on let's focus..."

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