
Friday, January 14, 2005

The son is exactly the age of bad-boy Prince Harry. Age 20. Said son may be a moronic idiot about a lot of things but he sure as hell knows about Auschwitz. Not in a million years would he go near a Hitler outfit for a costume party. All the more so that he is half Austrian and over half his friends are Jewish. Just wouldn't go over very well.... A recent BBC poll finds that a whopping 45% of Britons have never heard of Auschwitz. Americans probably fare better just because the Jewish contingency in this country spends a lot of time, money, and effort making sure Americans do know. Hmmm. OK. But Prince Harry has been attending pretigious private schools in Britain, ja? Don't they at least do a little dog-and-pony show about the atrocities of the Holocaust and the injustices of Colonialism (Harry's party invite said to dress as colonists or natives...) And as prince, prince, prince in line to be king, shouldn't he be getting some sensitivity training? Well Dad sure showed him. Send the kid to Auschwitz. Then he'll get it. Right...

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