
Monday, January 10, 2005

Shakespeare 2005...Fury hath no wrath like a jilted spoiled brat. Faster than you can say: Go to Press!, every teenager in our town knows (via cellphone) of high school senior XXX who faces assault and battery charges this morning. She was at a party and got mad that her ex-boyfriend was going out with someone else. Rather than beat up her ex-boyfriend, she went after the new girlfriend. Not satisfied with kicking her while the girl lay helpless and bleeding on the floor, she got into her nearly-new black Audi and used it as a battering ram against the other girl's car. Nice.... At issue, as far as the parent's lawyer is concerned, will probably be more about how to get this naughty girl's college chances back on track more than the welfare of the poor girl who got beaten up. At least she did this after the all important first quarter. Now she just has to wiggle out of criminal charges and expulsion.

Shakespeare Tragedy 2005...A woman in tears (or another day at work). With no happy ending in sight. Single and homeless for two years with a four-year-old daughter. Her foster family has petitioned to take custody of the child citing pyschiatric problems of the mother. Whispers of cigarette burns and cigarette lighters being put in places they shouldn't be. Testimony from the child. But was she coerced from the foster parents? A confused and harassing Department of Social Services. The woman herself the product of DSS and afraid to death of them. She and her sister were abandoned by her parents at age eleven. She was in and out of foster homes her whole childhood. Abused and sexually molested. As a pregnant teen, her first baby was put up for adoption. Now she has been taken in by her younger sister who herself has four children. And no husband. They live in a two-bedroom rat hole. "This little girl means everything to me," the woman cries. "Please help me." Who knows what the other side to this tragic story is. Where the truth lies. I do know that the safety net called social services in this country pretty much means that these people are screwed and bound for a desolate, dysfunctional, desperate future. A colleague in the office who overhead this harrowing phone conversation I was having commented, "She should learn to keep her legs crossed."
The End.

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