
Saturday, December 11, 2004

Gee what a difference it makes being on the other side of the same town... i.e. compare this house with the houses below, i.e. this guy's property taxes are probably around 20K a year...(not too far off my annual salary as a legislative aide at the State House). While money is obviously no object here, neither does it denote any more taste than tacky Mr. Snowmen/Choir Boy guy below except that it's on a much bigger scale. Oh come on, Anna, you're saying. This looks kind of pretty. Well don't forget that just as bars tend to be darkly lit for a reason, so too does the night do a lot of forgiving of what you would wake up to in the morning here when what is a hardware-store's worth of ugly extension cords criss-cross this property like bulging varicose veins. See the reindeer by the water fountain? His head moves up and down as if he were drinking water. Really cute.... Well the airplanes flying low over the town towards Logan must get a kick out of it anyway.Posted by Hello

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