
Sunday, September 05, 2004

Now that I'm pretty sure Bush is going to win come November, it's time to hunker down and create a delusion within a reality i.e. I'm zeroing in on the dandelions and the mundane to keep the mind off of soldiers the age of my son dying in Iraq (for what?), freedoms this administration would take away (via the Patriot Act), pristine land it would bulldoze in its quest to quelch its oil-thirsty obsession (when Bush says he wants America to be less dependent on foreign oil at the RNC he means Hello Alaska here we come..), and a rear-view mirror vision of America that would designate gays and liberals to a god-forsaken state of their own were it possible.

OK I can do this. "Honey, our nice neighbor next door -- you know the avid gardener -- says we might want to pull out the vines creeping up into the cypress tree." Hubby climbs up on a ladder and pulls out vines en masse. He then puts in a new side door to the garage which is the most god awful looking piece of crap I've ever seen -- a door picked out by hubby and the local lumber store during a momentary lapse of Anna's vigil. "So how does it look?" asks hubby. I try for fifteen seconds to hold my tongue but it's of no use. "We live in a Richard Neumanesque contemporary house now you know... That door looks like something you'd install in a newly built suburban sprawl tract house trying for the Victorian/Art Deco/Colonial/Federalist/Baroque kitsch look. I bet the value of our house has gone down 100K because of that door."

Disappointing when one considers my days-long online search to find a replacement toilet seat to match the Eljer-blue toilet of 5o's yore. I found it at least but not before I came across this depressing sight: toilet seats for the growing population.....

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