
Monday, September 27, 2004

Not to beat a dead horse but the spin that the Bush gang still tries to put on the Iraq war is such an affront to the intellectual senses that it makes you think you're in some kind of retro-politburo matrix movie.

Millions of people around the world demonstrated in order that we might avoid just what has come to pass. Yet the stubborn, arrogant, and horribly misinformed Bush administration plowed ahead anyway. And now look what we've got. Their recklessness is responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of soldiers and innocent Iraqis. Their recklessness has squandered the little good standing the US had left in the world. Their recklessness will have economic ramifications for generations to come. None good. Meanwhile not a single WMD anywhere. Insurgent uprisings everywhere. A justifiably mistrustful world community. An enraged new generation of wanna-be terrorists. A spiraling deficit. And unfathomable amounts of money burning in the wind as Americans at home struggle to make ends meet and afford health care.

World-wide demonstrations were of no avail in deterring the present disaster. The US press has been more or less the administration's lap dog and pathetically ineffective in educating the American public about what is at stake. What to do, what to do... Wait a minute. I think I've got it. For starters we could vote Bush the hell out of office.... As President Roosevelt once said to Hoover after the crash, "Change horses or drown!"

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