
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I just took some anti-motion sickness medicine in order that I might endure tonight's RNC. The spin (and that goes for Boston's DNC as well) is really enough to make you retch. Vapid red-white-and-blue choreography like a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. I have this horrible feeling Bush is going to get re-elected. This feeling follows my experiences with getting one hubby and two children moved to a new home. People for the most part hate change... The Republican spinmasters will convince Joe Blow he is better off with what he knows than with what he doesn't. Too scary.... And BTW I have to admit Kerry really isn't that great...

Only fellow Libras will appreciate this little story. At Macy's today I on a whim bought two silk pillows on sale just because. They go PERFECTLY on the day bed in my office. I mean perfectly the way I like perfect. Not, 'Oh you hired an interior designer I see.' Perfect in the 'Oh wow what a beautiful room, and I couldn't tell you exactly why...'

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