Friday, July 02, 2004
There are two kinds of people. There are those who perfect the art of doing things right all the time and those who perfect the art of making things right when things go wrong. Hubby is the former. I am the later. So.... when Anna Bloviation's forgets the house keys to the new house on the kitchen counter and locks us outside, what does one do? Well hubby laments my stupidity and starts calculating the costs of a locksmith, etc., etc. to get back inside the house. I, however, have been in these situations way too many times to keep a locked door between me and the keys inside. While he yells, I scope the house. Front door. Definitely locked. Back door ditto. Windows modern and not conducive to climbing through unless you break them. Hmmmm. "Do you think I'd fit through the cat door by the kitchen?" "Don't be ridiculous," he hisses. I pull up the small metal panel built into the door anyway and manage to fit my head and one shoulder through. But my arm doesn't reach up to the bolt which makes further entry impossible. He grumbles more. I slither out and walk to the back of the garage where the previous owners kindly (or out of convenience) left a stack of firewood. I grab a slender piece of kindling and poke my head and forearm through the opening again. Using the wood as an extension, I still can't quite reach and so send hubby through the opening in my stead. His head and forearm barely fit but he is nonetheless able to flick the bolt open. Gleefully I open the door and nearly decapitate hubby in the process. He swears profusely but I say thus: "You never in a million years would have thought to break through the cat doorway sweetheart." Of course he never would have forgotten the key on the kitchen counter. But which is more fun I ask you....
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