
Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The visiting third graders come to see the Massachusetts State House must surely be warped for life as far as their perceptions of government go this June 2nd 2004. For today was New Zealand Day. Well actually it wasn't so much New Zealand Day as a chance for a new restaurant in Newburyport to launch a brilliant marketing campaign for their new restaurant called The Kiwi Grill.

What must have the little third graders thought as authentic New Zealand Maori dancers -- flax skirted, faces painted, and chests bared -- energetically chanted and drummed their songs throughout the hallowed Puritan/Anglo/Catholic hallways of the State House? Following this performance came the 'famous' sixteen-year-old New Zealand angel whose free CD I left on my desk and so I'll have to get back to you on her name. Various dignitaries addressed the crowd and then Senator X of Newburyport (who has to be the cutest Senator on the block) invited all to help themselves to a complimentary lunch provided by The Kiwi Grille.

Well you know Anna Bloviation's was the first in line for grub and had wonderful conversations with the good-looking Zealander staff as to whether they didn't want to expand to my town X. My town X is breath-takingly beautiful but is the pits in terms of good restaurants.

The travel brochures on New Zealand are mouth-watering. But ever practical hubby pointed out that we now have no money to visit this Wonderland given we just plunked down a substantial amount on a house. And more money is to be plunked on aesthetic upgrades. For starters guess how much it will cost to remove the urine odor from the utility room wherein the previous owner's 19-year-old cat 'left its mark'? $500. This includes a power wash, chemical treatment, and sealant. Needless to say 'Sunshine Cleaners' won't be available to do the job. In fact their number has been disconnected just like the three or four other numbers with nice euphemistic names (there seems to be a high turnover rate in this business). The ones still around at this point are Crime and Death Scene Cleaning, TSV Cleaning, and Trauma Clean. It turns out they all treat pet odor problems but by and large they would rather tell you about the process of elimanating bodily secretions of expired subjects from tangential materials such as floors, rafters, beds, what-have-you. Hmmmm. "Mommy when I grow up I want to have an industrial cleaning company that cleans up rotting dead bodies..." "Oh that's wonderful honey!"

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