Monday, May 10, 2004
GAS RAGE? It wasn't the cheapest of gas stations to be found but when your tank is on empty, it's on empty. This meant that filling the sports car at $2.07 a gallon translated into a $30-plus-charge to the Visa card today. Still cheaper than Europe but not really when one considers that most folks are driving far less fuel-efficient cars. Gee wonder what the unhappy Ford Tundra truck ahead of me had to pay and how soon he'll have to pay it again given his gas mileage?
One thing is for sure. These Ford Tundras and Chevy Tahoes seem to be getting pretty touchy about their gas woes as demonstrated by the oncoming extended-cab Silverado that nearly sideswiped my sports car this morning. He was simply not going to let my better-gas-mileage and more-fun-to-drive car drive through the green light like I am by law allowed to do. The 'body language' of his vehicle (45-degree turned wheels, an edging-forward front end) indicated that he was going to take his left turn in front of me, god-damn-it, even if I technically did have the right-of-way. “Hold on there buddy. You just wait right there until I and all the cars directly on my tail have passed through thank you very much.” My challenge to his humungous gas guzzler made the man's face go red with rage -- a man paying more than he can afford at the gas station and who isn't going to be shown up anymore by better-than-Thou Mini Coopers, hybrids, or much more modestly fuel-efficient cars like my Audi. He gunned , yes gunned, the accelerator and only my Audi’s quick handling abilities avoided a sure hit to the side of my car. This guy was WILLING TO CRASH INTO ME in order to make whatever demented, his-fault point he thought he had to make. Poor guy. His road rage probably cost him another $5 of gas just flooring the gas pedal. And I bet he has a God Bless America sticker on the back windshield too.
One thing is for sure. These Ford Tundras and Chevy Tahoes seem to be getting pretty touchy about their gas woes as demonstrated by the oncoming extended-cab Silverado that nearly sideswiped my sports car this morning. He was simply not going to let my better-gas-mileage and more-fun-to-drive car drive through the green light like I am by law allowed to do. The 'body language' of his vehicle (45-degree turned wheels, an edging-forward front end) indicated that he was going to take his left turn in front of me, god-damn-it, even if I technically did have the right-of-way. “Hold on there buddy. You just wait right there until I and all the cars directly on my tail have passed through thank you very much.” My challenge to his humungous gas guzzler made the man's face go red with rage -- a man paying more than he can afford at the gas station and who isn't going to be shown up anymore by better-than-Thou Mini Coopers, hybrids, or much more modestly fuel-efficient cars like my Audi. He gunned , yes gunned, the accelerator and only my Audi’s quick handling abilities avoided a sure hit to the side of my car. This guy was WILLING TO CRASH INTO ME in order to make whatever demented, his-fault point he thought he had to make. Poor guy. His road rage probably cost him another $5 of gas just flooring the gas pedal. And I bet he has a God Bless America sticker on the back windshield too.
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