
Saturday, May 29, 2004

The friend Diving Bird always manages to find back-up to so much of what I intuit in this world i.e. not only do S.U.V.'s get really, really bad gas mileage, they also aren't great in the shin/kneecap preservation department. You might want to consider dumping the the Ford F150 for a Mini Cooper.

The daughter looked drop-dead stunning for her senior prom. Simple elegant black dress. Hair down. Lovely black sandals. Obviously everyone else got the same email because about 2/3 of the senior class was dressed pretty much the same way. The rest fell into three categories: 1) Oh-god-the-poor-girl-what-was-she-thinking 2) That takes guts...and 3) Strikingly different.

The tradition in this town is for all the forty-something housewives to stand about the high school on senior prom night smiling and waving at the young girls walking down the "red carpet" toward the waiting buses. Little do they know that under our breath we are viciously commenting on every minimum's worth of $500-idea that walks by. Manicure and pedicure: $50. Hair: $50. Dress: $200-$500. Shoes: $60. Boutonniere $8. Miscellaneous such as make-up, wire bras, special underwear, etc.: $50. And in the daughter's case, duct tapeā€¦. Yes I had to bee-line it down to Ace Hardware to buy duct tape for the daughter because the strapless bra wasn't cooperating. Thank god they have expanded their color line beyond gray and I was actually able to get black to match the bra and dress.

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