
Monday, March 08, 2004

On Cadavers. Not to harp on cadavers but... if you recall recently I blogged about the lucrative business of human parts (see March 1). Well you gotta' love America. Wouldn't you know we already have a black market in the sale of torsos, fingernails, and vaginas (with clits). U.C.L.A. jumps on the cadaver bandwagon.

The one day I believe in God. I'm usually an agnostic. A friend of mine likes to remind me that an agnostic is simply someone too chicken to be an atheist. Very true. Anyway, there is one day a year I believe in God. It's the day we manage to find the daughter's prom dress i.e. "thank you God...thank you..." I thought we had that day this Saturday when the daughter, friend, hubby, and I went prom-dress shopping. I immediately found the daughter's friend's dress. Coral pink. Nice neckline. Flattering to her wide hips. She loves it. I also thought I had found the daughter's dress come to find it seems to make her 'hips too wide.' So on my lunch break today I bogeyed over to the Copley Plaza mall. I hit Saks, Lord & Taylor, and Nieman Marcus to 'expand our search'. I found some 'potentials' at Nieman Marcus only to find out that they don't accept Visa and, no, I couldn't open a Nieman Marcus account because I hadn't brought my driver's license with me. So... I trudged back after work, bought three 'potentials' and brought them home. All were rejected. She liked the dresses well enough but they 'just didn't look right.' So now I am back to square one and praying to my once-a-year god.

Hubby wants to buy a super-sized plasma flat-screen, state-of-the-art T.V. At the end-of-the-day, we're talking a $7,000 entertainment center. Hmmmm. He asks me if I want such a thing. I tell him I have personally spent zero time thinking about an improved at-home entertainment experience. By the same token, were it not for hubby, we wouldn't have computers in the house (which I enjoy), we wouldn't have a digital camera (which I think is great), I wouldn't have an iPod (which I love for my gym work-outs), and we certainly wouldn't be considering a plasma ultra-super-sized flat-screened-whatever. My argument against this investment is the following: I already get extremely upset by 90% of what I see on television. Why would I want to see O'Reilly and dumb T.V. MAGNIFIED even bigger onto my consiousness? If it's about enjoying 'movies' better, let's be realistic...there are only about five or six movies a year worth watching. The rest of the movies are mediocre. Is it worth a $7,000 investment to watch six great movies whilst the rest would be an annoying array of watching bad plots and bad actors on a great big 48" screen?

Hubby sees things differently. The daughter will be off to college soon. Life is going to change dramatically. Career-wise it looks like we will be here another five or six years. In fact he will be traveling a lot and I will be at home alone... Wouldn't it be good to sit in our beautiful living room to watch a movie, HBO, or CSPAN sans jumbo-sized, popcorn-eating slob-patrons at a nearby movie mall?

I don't know, I don't know.

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