
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

On one of the darkest of my days as a liberal, comes light. Dark because over the last two days I have fielded hundreds of calls from constiuents who are crazed and angry about the Massachusett's Supreme Judicial Ruling on gay marriage. I should qualify that by saying that the majority of phone calls are coming from the elderly populace.The one's who don't threaten that we will all burn in hell if we don't support an amendment defining marriage as that between a man and a woman shriek that THE PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE ON THIS ISSUE. How dare four judges decide for the entire state they say!! Seems to me that there have been some very important issues in the past whereby had the 'people' decided instead of the courts (whose duty it is to uphold the CONSTITUTION), we would still have segregated schools and the outlawing of interracial marriage. The fact that the Massachusetts Legislature has been too chicken-shit to take a stance on this has put the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) in the uncomfortable position of having to make the decision that it did based on suits brought before the court. In my humble opinion, if State and Church are indeed seperate, then this issue is a civil rights issue and the SJC's ruling was right on.

The glimmer of light. One seventy-three-year-old woman called to say that she was in support of gay marriage. She has been married forever, has a gaggle of kids and a herd of grandchildren. And what she said to me was this, "Marriage isn't easy that's for sure. So if two people love each other and want to give it a shot let them! Who cares if they're the same sex? We need all the love in this world we can get."

The other glimmer of light came from a staunch Republican friend of mine. Here is his email to me:

Dear Anna Bloviations;

I come to you in need of liberal guidance.

My confidence in GW is beginning to quickly erode due to such "minor" offenses including but not limited to: draft dodging, complete fiscal irresponsibility, his unfathomable support of the religious right (did you see 60 Minutes on Sunday?, oofa) , not to mention the whole Iraq "thing".

However, with all that being said, JFK doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy either (RCW's picture doesn't exactly lend a whole lot of confidence!) So I have come to you, my west coast liberal friend, to help me feel good about Mr. Kerry. What can you give me?



I'm going to need a few days to answer him as I myself have a few issues with 'JFK.' I'll get back to him though.

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