
Sunday, February 08, 2004

"In his speech last night, John Kerry said this was the beginning of the end of the Bush administration. I agree. Sure, it may take another five years, but this is it." -- Jay Leno

My Dem friends are euphoric that Kerry is coming out so strong and that in recent polls, it would seem that Bush and Kerry are neck and neck. Yeah right. Wait till Bush starts firing 100 Million dollar’s worth of ammunition at Long John Kerry. I can just imagine the nice little campaign commercials Bush's people are at this moment choreographing: Would you want THIS man as President? One who flails against special interest but has himself taken thousands upon thousands of dollars from the very people he claims he will show the door? And don't forget this Senator comes from THAT State -- the only one in the country to allow gay marriage. Hope Kerry's speech writers and strategists are coming up with either some very good answers or some very good diversion tactics 'cause I don't think bringing up his Vietnam war record is going to get him out of this so easily..."I know about killing people which is why I know what it means to accept a contribution from a lobbyist???" Oh boy. In addition to attacking Kerry, the Bushies will no doubt start ramping up the scare-Americans tactics designed to well, scare Americans into believing that it's better to stick with an administration that already has a handle on 'taking care of all the evil, bad guys' than to go with a newbie.

Bush has a couple of things of course that he should be very worried about, the most obvious of which is the WMD thang. I'd say he should be worried about the record deficit too but for some strange reason, most Americans don't seem to be very concerned -- maybe because the numbers are so unfathomably big that it's kind of like trying to imagine the universe. You can't. So Bush will probably be able to fudge his way out of accounting for our budget problems but he may not be able to Oreo Cookie his way out of it if enough people watch THIS SHORT MOVIE. Cheney could definitely start to become a liability for Bush according to reports that are being printed in international newspapers strongly suggesting that Vice President Dick Cheney could come under criminal investigation for his role in a massive bribery scandal while he was head of Halliburton (interestingly American papers haven't thought the story newsworthy enough to print). Bush's National Guard service (or lack there of) could be a pebble in his shoe as well i.e. it's looking more and more like the "D" word might be applicable after all. Speaking of more, Michael Moore aptly points out, "What if any of them [National Guard and Reserves] chose to do what Bush did back in the early 70s -- just not show up? I've seen Republican defenders of Bush this week say, 'Yeah, but he made up the time later.' So, can today's National Guardsmen do the same thing -- just say, when called up to go to Iraq, 'Um, I'm not going to show up, I'll make up the time later!'? Can you imagine what would happen? Of course, none of them are the son of a Congressman, like young Lt. Bush was back in 1972."

Hubby just went off to London again and the daughter and I will be meeting him on the other side of the pond end of this week. I decided to make a batch of chocolate cookies to get us through the week. God and didn't I FLUB them up? How can you mess up Toll House cookies? Oh I know. While dancing around the kitchen to Aretha's Gold I think I forgot to put the baking soda in. Or something like that. Flat as a pancake they were. Come on. It was Aretha!

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