
Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Correction on last blog: I meant to say ethnically ambiguous. Not ethically ambiguous. A slip...

Well other than my brother-in-law having tried to kill himself Christmas Eve, Christmas was wonderful... Actually Christmas really was wonderful because we fortunately didn't find out about brother-in-law until after we got back from our ski trip to New Hampshire. Ignorance is bliss as they say. The skiing was gorgeous. The standing rib roast mouth-watering. And then bam out of the blue another human being splats onto your perfectly enjoyable vacation with news they didn't want to be part of this world anymore.

His suicide wasn't successful and to be brutally honest I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. There is at least a clean finality to death. Especially that the brother-in-law had the courtesy to leave letters for his family so there wouldn't be a lot of unanswered questions afterwards. Now, unfortunately, there are a whole new host of messy ends for him to cope with above and beyond the mess of his life he had tried to extinguish.

He is fifty-four. A wicked alcoholic. A chain smoker. His career as a prominent doctor in shambles. His family life in shambles. His health in shambles. And he lives in a country that cuts a lot of slack to alcoholics and chain smokers, and where re-inventing one's self ain't easy . No easy answers...

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