
Tuesday, November 11, 2003

There is a private beach along one stretch of my dog walk. For the many years I have been walking past it, the owners across the road have been fighting to keep ANYBODY and EVERYBODY off of it. Nor'Eastern storms have turned their Keep-Out fence into a heap of toothpicks time and time again, but they have simply gone and built another. Every few feet they have a sign posted: PRIVATE PROPERTY. KEEP OUT. I mean it's a nice beach and all but I have to say it's not that nice for all their fuss.

They nearly had a fit one year when the town decided to allow 2-hour, street-side parking along side their beach so that visitors could get to the public beach right next to it. The owners claimed all kinds of calamitous outcomes. Their biggest beef was that the road would be too narrow for cars to get by if parking were allowed. When that argument didn't fly they tried the heartstring approach i.e. mothers wouldn't be able to fit their SUV strollers onto the sidewalk and would instead have to go out onto the street to get around the parked cars.... You still with me?

The town lost patience and said that if they kept complaining, they would simply make the road wider given that the frontal property of most of the houses along the beach had over the years encroached on the town road.

All of the owner's efforts do little to actually keep people off the beach per se. Tourists can't resist it. The beach affords a very nice view of the Boston skyline and signs or no signs, the tourists want a picture. Honestly I don't even think they see the no trespassing signs. Lovers like the beach; the two love-hump rocks are perfect for picnicking, necking, and catching a sunset. Fishermen are attracted as well but I don't know the first thing about fishing so I'm not exactly sure why this beach is so good compared to others in the area.

But now the owners have done something very smart indeed in their ongoing efforts to keep trespassers off. As I walked by this morning, there on the beach were four brand new signs equidistant apart. Instead of black and white they were green and white. The text read:

PLEASE KEEP OFF -- ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA I'll let you know when the weather warms up if this does the trick. My bet is it will...

Hip-Hop Rhyme Both my kids love Hip-Hop and rap. I was listening to a track the other day. A catchy tune actually but I had to laugh as the singers managed to rhyme 'birthday' and 'thirsty':

It be your bert-day
And we be drinkin' champagne
'cause we're thirs-tay.

Not bad. Not bad.

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