
Monday, November 10, 2003

STOCK WATCH -- A friend of mine was just sent these two stock recommendations from a list of highly rated stocks:

* Inamed Corp. (IMDC). The company is a leading maker of products used for plastic and reconstructive surgery and the *treatment of obesity*. A catalyst for the shares would be FDA approval of its silicone gel-filled breast augmentation implant by early 2004, which S&P estimates could boost annual revenues by $100 million.

* Capital One Financial (COF). S&P believes that this leading credit-card issuer is capable of boosting earnings approximately 20% annually over the next several years. Driving these gains are expected 'favorable consumer spending patterns' and an expanding customer base.

Both received 5 STARS on the S&P scale. Said my friend, "I love it. Overspending, gluttony, and vanity driving the US economy. Kind of like going around breaking windows to make work for the glass industry."

Touche my friend. And in case you're wondering what all that overspending on vanity will get you? Boobs -- Lips -- Face I think I'll stick to my Estee Lauder face cream.... I also think that things need to start picking up* in the Legislature because obviously Anna has way too much time on her hands...

*Wednesday promises to be interesting i.e. a joint session debating same-sex marriage.

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