Friday, November 28, 2003
As the Irish would say, "I'm stoofed!" You know. Turkey, stuffing, trimmings, and the like. Not that I'm Irish, I just love their accent. Like the guy I overheard on the streets of Dublin talking into his cellphone: "If I doon't get me' fooking mooney, I'm fooked." That's just great.
Did I tell you that the son came home for Thanksgiving with a black eye? This following the daughter's recent black eye. No Xmas photos this year I guess. The son got his vis-à-vis a sucker punch after he told a guy to lay off teasing his buddy. Don’t worry. True to the legacy of his maternal grandfather (a legendary bar brawler), the son knocked the other kid out. Also of note: the distance between D.C. and home does not prevent the son from transporting an entire suitcase full of wretchedly disgusting dirty laundry to wash here. A visit by hubby to son's dorm a few weeks ago only further confirmed the slovenly living conditions he and his dorm mate seem perfectly happy to live in. But I digress. The son is doing great.
The challenge I issued below to my conservative friends? To read Michael Moore's "Dude Where's my Country?" whereby I would read any book of their choosing. OK here's one response I got:
Dear Anna Bloviations:
Thanks, but no thanks. The limited reading time I have is not going to
>be spent reading stuff written by wackos. There are plenty of other
>books I need to read before I waste my time on this one. This is the
>same reason I didn't read Mein Kampf. Both are low on the priority
>list. Tell Mr. Moore, it's my country too.
Dear Mr. Conservative Electronic Acquaintance:
Had a few more people bothered to read Mein Kamph at the appropriate time, who knows, they might have hindered Hitler's slaughter of millions...
I do hope that you are not lumping whacko Hitler with 'whacko' Moore. 'Cause it works the other way too; had more people listened to Jesus or Ghandi (both of whom were labeled whackos at some point in their careers), we might not be bashing each other's heads in the way we are today. Have you read anything by Moore? Seen any of his movies? Watched him on CSPAN? Or are you judging him based entirely on his inappropriate comments at the Oscars (he admonishes himself in his book about that too). If all of the above is true then HOW CAN YOU CALL HIM A WHACKO other than it conveniently and neatly justifies your not having to deal with him on any kind of level? At least watch Bowling for Columbine. Otherwise I must seriously (as opposed to half jokingly) challenge your assertion that you are a 'free thinker.' You cannot be a free thinker (a concept that denotes a certain open-mindedness) if you only confine yourself to a reality that does nothing but reaffirm what you already perceive as true.
No wonder this country is so polarized. Each 'side' just keeps indoctrinating itself with the same reaffirming shit. Don't believe me? From Amazon:
Customers who bought Ann Coulter's Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism also bought:
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (Thorndike Press Large Print Nonfiction Series) [LARGE PRINT] by Ann H. Coulter (Hardcover)
Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First by Mona Charen (Hardcover)
Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security by Robert Patterson (Hardcover)
Off with Their Heads : Traitors, Crooks & Obstructionists in American Politics, Media & Business by Dick Morris (Author) (Hardcover)
Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the UN are Subverting America by Laura Ingraham (Hardcover)
Customers who bought Michael Moore's Dude Where's My Country also bought:
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken (Hardcover)
Bushwhacked : Life in George W. Bush's America by Molly Ivins (Author), Lou Dubose (Author) (Hardcover)
Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country--And Its Time to Take It Back by Jim Hightower (Hardcover)
The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century by Paul Krugman (Hardcover)
Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth by Joe Conason (Author) (Hardcover)
Heh, I can at least say I took the trouble to read Ann Coulter. An extreme sacrifice on my part. Because I much prefer fiction to reading talking heads. John Irving and Salman Rushdie are my favorite contemporary writers. Michael Moore was dropped in my lap over vacation. There were some things he said that I thought were quite enlightening and which I thought you might find enlightening too... But obviously you are reserving your time for people you deem non-whackos. Yep, that's free-thinking all right...
BTW: I would LOVE to know the books you have on your list to read that would prevent you the couple of hours it would take you to read one of Moore's book.
Anna Bloviations
Did I tell you that the son came home for Thanksgiving with a black eye? This following the daughter's recent black eye. No Xmas photos this year I guess. The son got his vis-à-vis a sucker punch after he told a guy to lay off teasing his buddy. Don’t worry. True to the legacy of his maternal grandfather (a legendary bar brawler), the son knocked the other kid out. Also of note: the distance between D.C. and home does not prevent the son from transporting an entire suitcase full of wretchedly disgusting dirty laundry to wash here. A visit by hubby to son's dorm a few weeks ago only further confirmed the slovenly living conditions he and his dorm mate seem perfectly happy to live in. But I digress. The son is doing great.
The challenge I issued below to my conservative friends? To read Michael Moore's "Dude Where's my Country?" whereby I would read any book of their choosing. OK here's one response I got:
Dear Anna Bloviations:
Thanks, but no thanks. The limited reading time I have is not going to
>be spent reading stuff written by wackos. There are plenty of other
>books I need to read before I waste my time on this one. This is the
>same reason I didn't read Mein Kampf. Both are low on the priority
>list. Tell Mr. Moore, it's my country too.
Dear Mr. Conservative Electronic Acquaintance:
Had a few more people bothered to read Mein Kamph at the appropriate time, who knows, they might have hindered Hitler's slaughter of millions...
I do hope that you are not lumping whacko Hitler with 'whacko' Moore. 'Cause it works the other way too; had more people listened to Jesus or Ghandi (both of whom were labeled whackos at some point in their careers), we might not be bashing each other's heads in the way we are today. Have you read anything by Moore? Seen any of his movies? Watched him on CSPAN? Or are you judging him based entirely on his inappropriate comments at the Oscars (he admonishes himself in his book about that too). If all of the above is true then HOW CAN YOU CALL HIM A WHACKO other than it conveniently and neatly justifies your not having to deal with him on any kind of level? At least watch Bowling for Columbine. Otherwise I must seriously (as opposed to half jokingly) challenge your assertion that you are a 'free thinker.' You cannot be a free thinker (a concept that denotes a certain open-mindedness) if you only confine yourself to a reality that does nothing but reaffirm what you already perceive as true.
No wonder this country is so polarized. Each 'side' just keeps indoctrinating itself with the same reaffirming shit. Don't believe me? From Amazon:
Customers who bought Ann Coulter's Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism also bought:
Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (Thorndike Press Large Print Nonfiction Series) [LARGE PRINT] by Ann H. Coulter (Hardcover)
Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First by Mona Charen (Hardcover)
Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security by Robert Patterson (Hardcover)
Off with Their Heads : Traitors, Crooks & Obstructionists in American Politics, Media & Business by Dick Morris (Author) (Hardcover)
Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the UN are Subverting America by Laura Ingraham (Hardcover)
Customers who bought Michael Moore's Dude Where's My Country also bought:
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken (Hardcover)
Bushwhacked : Life in George W. Bush's America by Molly Ivins (Author), Lou Dubose (Author) (Hardcover)
Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country--And Its Time to Take It Back by Jim Hightower (Hardcover)
The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century by Paul Krugman (Hardcover)
Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth by Joe Conason (Author) (Hardcover)
Heh, I can at least say I took the trouble to read Ann Coulter. An extreme sacrifice on my part. Because I much prefer fiction to reading talking heads. John Irving and Salman Rushdie are my favorite contemporary writers. Michael Moore was dropped in my lap over vacation. There were some things he said that I thought were quite enlightening and which I thought you might find enlightening too... But obviously you are reserving your time for people you deem non-whackos. Yep, that's free-thinking all right...
BTW: I would LOVE to know the books you have on your list to read that would prevent you the couple of hours it would take you to read one of Moore's book.
Anna Bloviations
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