
Saturday, August 30, 2003

Just a friendly reminder to the Bush administration that we are STILL waiting with great anticipation to hear about the great discovery of all those weapons of mass destruction supposedly in abundance over in Iraq.... If anybody recalls, we launched a preemptive war against Iraq based on intelligence claiming said country was sitting on chemical and biological weapons poised to wreak havoc on the western infidels (us). Well??? Where are they?? Bush? Powell? Anybody? I mean at least please plant some weapons of mass destruction so that we can all sleep better at night. I swear I feel like I'm living some Orwellian Animal Farm nightmare sometimes. Earth to American-overweight-Laci/Pertersen-obsessed-Prozac-addicted-sheep: "Please wake up and pay attention to what your non-elected president is doing..."

Maybe all those hormones they inject into our meat are making us as complacent as the cows they shoot the hormones into. Meanwhile, a soldier a day is being picked off as a result of the lies that the Bush administration propagated in order to get a buy-in from the American public. Even the normally reserved Brits are putting up a better fight against their government in terms of holding Blair accountable for misinformation put forth about the justification for going to war with Iraq (and as a result at least one head has rolled a.k.a. Alistair Campbell, communications director, who in the wake of the public uproar has decided "to spend more time with his family"). Would a Democratic presidential candidate please step up to the plate and squash Bush as he should be on this? Where art thou vicious, on-message Democratic speech writers?

Outstanding Kudos to Colbert l. King, the only journalist of late asking the same question I am: Where are the weapons of mass destruction?. He should be named our ambassador of Not-Forgetting.

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