
Saturday, July 12, 2003

Saturday, July 12th 2003

Well here I am -- posting my maiden blovinational blob on the internet.

In case anyone was wondering what 'bloviations' means, it is the noun form of the verb ' to bloviate,' the definition of which is to speak verbosely and windily. My dear conservative friend, who likes to refer to himself as a constructionist rather than a conservative, claims that the word bloviate sounds like some kind of ebonics creation i.e. 'he be bloviaten' about the illrectitude of the latest supreme courtification..." Anyway, it was he who decided that it was time I start expousing to the rest of the world on the off chance that anyone else might listen. And it is he I have to thank for taking care of the technical details so that I could have the opportunity to blog my thoughts. Probobaly he was just tired of being one of a handful subjected to my daily earfuls and forwarded jokes. He clearly wants others to suffer as well. But he's a good guy. I am sure at some point you will no doubt have the pleasure of meeting him as a 'guest speaker' here on this blog page. Because what would a blog page of a sassy forty-something-year-old be without the tempered views of an always right constructionist cognoscente with a wicked sense of humor?

But back to the word 'bloviate.' The fact is that the word first made its appearance in America as early as 1850. Apparently US President Warren Harding was known for bloviations throughout his presidential tenure in the early 1920's and it was at this time the word became popular. So to the extent that anyone can remember what the hell President Warren Harding bloviated about on behalf of our great United States, there you have it.

Perhaps I'll change the name for my BLOG page at some point. I rather like to think of myself as pithily descriptive than as windily verbose, but I'll let the world be the judge of that...

There are a lot of things I want to talk about here: my loathing of SUV's, why Americans are so fat, anecdotes about being a legislative aide/government employee going on seven months now, teenagers, C-Level corruption, the environment, high tuition costs, America's class divide... Uh-oh. I already see my millions of fans getting glassy-eyed. Well there IS my foray into pornography writing that we might talk about some time. Did that wake anyone up? But no matter what I post, I promise that in spite of my utter frustration with Bush the president and the lack of any compelling Democrats who might have a chance at unseating him, I promise I will try very hard not to sound like a whiny liberal.

To be continued... I have a hair appointment I just remembered. Color and cut. Cost: $120 (or more if I buy their hair products). Cause' it costs a lot of money to look hot and sassy at 40-something... And unfortunately not a luxury very many of my constituents who call me at work can even entertain the thought of. They're just trying to figure out how to pay $650 rent while making $849 a month in salary.

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