Wednesday, July 16, 2003
OK this is just tops. Looks like we have another 'support group' on our hands folks, only this time it is from an unexpected source. It's not enough that the S.U.V. drivers don't bat one guilty eyelash whilst driving their gas-thirsty, rollover-prone, better-you-die-than-me road hoggers. No, now their wittle feelings are getting hurt with all the negative publicity these vehicles have been getting of late (even mainstream 60 Minutes went after them), and they have created their very own wittle Wah-wah page! Good grief, you don't hear the penguins complaining each time they lose an iceberg the size of Rhode Island to global warming, do you?
In Anna's ideal world, these SUV owners would just chalk up their gluttounous purchases to one of the more frivoulos and ignorant they have made in their lives. Then they would walk, not drive, to their nearest recycling center and donate all that good excess steel to a good recylable cause.
But unfortunately the reality will more likely be that all of the millions of aging SUV 's are going to make their way to used car lots across the country. Then once Teenager-with-used-SUV gets tired of said used S.U.V, that vehicle makes its way still to a tertiary market e.g. across the border to Mexico where oil changes and muffler replacements are considered luxury items. Used cars rarely run as efficiently or as cleanly as their newer counter parts which means that millions of these guzzlers will be on the road for global-warming decades to come -- getting more and more dirty and fuel inefficient every year. Me thinks Santa is going to need new digs soon...
In Anna's ideal world, these SUV owners would just chalk up their gluttounous purchases to one of the more frivoulos and ignorant they have made in their lives. Then they would walk, not drive, to their nearest recycling center and donate all that good excess steel to a good recylable cause.
But unfortunately the reality will more likely be that all of the millions of aging SUV 's are going to make their way to used car lots across the country. Then once Teenager-with-used-SUV gets tired of said used S.U.V, that vehicle makes its way still to a tertiary market e.g. across the border to Mexico where oil changes and muffler replacements are considered luxury items. Used cars rarely run as efficiently or as cleanly as their newer counter parts which means that millions of these guzzlers will be on the road for global-warming decades to come -- getting more and more dirty and fuel inefficient every year. Me thinks Santa is going to need new digs soon...
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